Welcome to Gay-or-straight.com!

Gay-or-straight.com is your one stop site for undeniable, evidenced based information regarding the sexuality of your favourite celebrities*.
The results of our User Input Based Gayometer Technology System are backed up by teams of scientists working around the clock to confirm your casual prejudices, jealous projections and thoughtless assumptions. Participate now!

*May also include celebrities you are indifferent to, or actively resent.

Highest gay rating
  1. Ghislaine 90% gay
  2. Greta Thun 89% gay
  3. Dmitry Puc 88% gay
  4. Elmo 88% gay
  5. Steve Luka 87% gay
  6. Fred Parke 87% gay
  7. Sauli Kosk 87% gay
  8. Kamala Har 87% gay
  9. Tonya Hard 86% gay
  10. Yoann Gour 86% gay
  11. Lil Nas X 86% gay
  12. Megyn Kell 86% gay
  13. Erik Menen 86% gay
  14. Southern P 86% gay
  15. Justin Tru 86% gay
  16. Lyle Menen 86% gay
  17. Kurt Brown 86% gay
  18. Lyle and E 86% gay
  19. James Alef 86% gay
  20. Keir Starm 86% gay
  21. Jared Kush 86% gay
  22. Campus pol 86% gay
  23. Snapchat 86% gay
  24. Jared Fogl 86% gay
  25. Michael Si 85% gay
  26. Stormzy 85% gay
  27. Boo Arnold 85% gay
  28. Tony Brook 85% gay
  29. Sir Arthur 85% gay
  30. Victoria N 85% gay
  31. Auston Mat 85% gay
  32. Radiohead 85% gay
  33. Jack Dorse 85% gay
  34. The Guardi 85% gay
  35. Tony Khan 85% gay
  36. Qantas 85% gay
  37. Stefan Sav 85% gay
  38. Mohamed Sa 85% gay
  39. YouTube 85% gay
  40. the origin 85% gay
  41. Taron Eger 85% gay
  42. This Is En 85% gay
  43. Doreen Law 85% gay
  44. Steven Law 85% gay
  45. Chris Chib 85% gay
  46. The Britis 85% gay
  47. Ruby Rose 85% gay
  48. Troughman 85% gay
  49. Robbie Fow 85% gay
  50. World Econ 85% gay
  Lowest gay rating
  1. Dean Measo 10% gay
  2. Hank Willi 14% gay
  3. Eva Measor 14% gay
  4. Enoch Powe 15% gay
  5. Mary White 15% gay
  6. Jill Dando 15% gay
  7. Jules Huds 18% gay
  8. Danny La R 18% gay
  9. Tyson Fury 21% gay
  10. Mike the H 21% gay
  11. Donovan Mc 22% gay
  12. John Elway 22% gay
  13. Matthew F. 22% gay
  14. Queen Vict 22% gay
  15. Duane Allm 22% gay
  16. Sebastian 23% gay
  17. John Cash 23% gay
  18. Faggots 24% gay
  19. Randy Sava 24% gay
  20. Mike Parry 24% gay
  21. Epicurus 24% gay
  22. Karel Rode 24% gay
  23. Charlie th 25% gay
  24. Jeanna Fin 25% gay
  25. Larry Fine 25% gay
  26. Jim Saleam 25% gay
  27. Angela Goe 25% gay
  28. Brendon Mc 25% gay
  29. Jim Crow l 26% gay
  30. Lum Invade 26% gay
  31. Astro Boy 26% gay
  32. Barney Rub 26% gay
  33. Alex Green 26% gay
  34. Charity Wa 26% gay
  35. PrettyMuch 26% gay
  36. Snidely Wh 26% gay
  37. Guy Smiley 26% gay
  38. Mega Shark 26% gay
  39. James Earl 26% gay
  40. Lisa Lisa 26% gay
  41. Stephanie 26% gay
  42. Cricket in 26% gay
  43. World Auti 27% gay
  44. Cleveland 27% gay
  45. Here Comes 27% gay
  46. Jacob Rees 27% gay
  47. Top Cat 27% gay
  48. Waylon Smi 27% gay
  49. Minecraft 27% gay
  50. Keisha Lan 27% gay

Top 100 most votes
    1. Justin Bie 49927 votes
    2. Chuck Norr 17355 votes
    3. Dmitry Puc 15245 votes
    4. Dean Measo 15028 votes
    5. Steve Luka 14960 votes
    6. Sauli Kosk 13446 votes
    7. Elton John 10658 votes
    8. Tom Cruise 8605 votes
    9. Freddie Me 7950 votes
    10. Thomas San 6012 votes
    11. Harry Styl 5895 votes
    12. Barack Oba 5836 votes
    13. John Travo 5025 votes
    14. Ross Lynch 4892 votes
    15. Zac Efron 4852 votes
    16. Eric Whita 4532 votes
    17. David Bowi 4420 votes
    18. David Lett 4306 votes
    19. Brad Pitt 4298 votes
    20. Johnny Dep 4258 votes
    21. Adolf Hitl 4129 votes
    22. Eva Measor 4116 votes
    23. Cristiano 4108 votes
    24. Ellen DeGe 3808 votes
    25. George Mic 3635 votes
    26. Louis Toml 3595 votes
    27. Michael Ja 3515 votes
    28. will.i.am 3415 votes
    29. Neil Patri 3348 votes
    30. Ricky Mart 3256 votes
    31. Lauris Rei 3238 votes
    32. Arsenio Ha 2896 votes
    33. Kristen St 2878 votes
    34. George Clo 2872 votes
    35. Clint East 2860 votes
    36. Andres Gil 2815 votes
    37. Vladimir P 2802 votes
    38. Taylor Swi 2788 votes
    39. Justin Tim 2780 votes
    40. Cameron Bo 2740 votes
    41. Mitchell S 2638 votes
    42. jesus 2593 votes
    43. Norman Ree 2592 votes
    44. Taylor Lau 2562 votes
    45. Hunter Hay 2528 votes
    46. Miley Cyru 2506 votes
    47. Ryan Gosli 2496 votes
    48. Leonardo D 2456 votes
    49. Arnold Sch 2440 votes
    50. Hayley Kiy 2410 votes
    51. Anna Kendr 2409 votes
    52. Roddy McDo 2348 votes
    53. Hugh Jackm 2348 votes
    54. Ryan Seacr 2278 votes
    55. Marco Reus 2194 votes
    56. Logan Lerm 2185 votes
    57. Ellen Page 2132 votes
    58. Jake Gylle 2125 votes
    59. Christophe 2116 votes
    60. Rocco Siff 2112 votes
    61. Will Smith 2109 votes
    62. Adam Lambe 2020 votes
    63. Donald Tru 2016 votes
    64. Jason Stat 2002 votes
    65. Angelina J 1996 votes
    66. Lionel Mes 1992 votes
    67. Ryan Reyno 1980 votes
    68. Bradley Co 1916 votes
    69. Eddie Redm 1890 votes
    70. Zayn Malik 1880 votes
    71. Tom Daley 1872 votes
    72. Antoine Gr 1867 votes
    73. Asaf Avida 1840 votes
    74. Natasha Ly 1836 votes
    75. Lady Gaga 1830 votes
    76. John Scalz 1827 votes
    77. Channing T 1827 votes
    78. Selena Gom 1810 votes
    79. Richard Ar 1775 votes
    80. Jason Sege 1750 votes
    81. Manuel Neu 1674 votes
    82. Ian Botham 1643 votes
    83. Sasha Alex 1640 votes
    84. James Blun 1638 votes
    85. Anderson C 1630 votes
    86. Vin Diesel 1625 votes
    87. Hailee Ste 1622 votes
    88. Ian Somerh 1615 votes
    89. Stuart Bro 1606 votes
    90. Adam Levin 1605 votes
    91. Dianna Agr 1588 votes
    92. Melanie Ma 1586 votes
    93. Noah Mills 1585 votes
    94. Mario Lope 1580 votes
    95. Jensen Ack 1572 votes
    96. Seth Meyer 1560 votes
    97. Chace Craw 1548 votes
    98. Jules Huds 1546 votes
    99. Pierce Bro 1542 votes
    100. Jimmi Simp 1522 votes