Is Eddie Redmayne gay or straight?
Here you find the sexual orientation of Eddie Redmayne.Do you disagree? Please Inform us.
Eddie Redmayne is heterosexual / straight
Why people think Eddie Redmayne is not gay
Eddie Redmayne is rumored to be with Carey Mulligan (from Jan 2011-present)
Do you like Eddie Redmayne?
Eddie Redmayne gaydar
According to 1892 visitors Eddie Redmayne is 62% gay.However, the average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Eddie Redmayne is quite straight in comparison to other celebrities on this website.
Please vote! How gay is Eddie Redmayne?
not gay - - gay
not gay - - gay
Erik @ 2012-06-11 | 37 up,7 down | |
the most beautifull man on earth! ;-) |
Andre @ 2012-09-10 | 22 up,6 down | |
He must be. He have to be. How dishearted so many guys are going to be if he's not? |
Scott @ 2012-12-26 | 34 up,4 down | |
Gay or straight, he is simply beautiful! |
David @ 2013-01-06 | 34 up,4 down | |
He is totally beautiful |
Steve @ 2013-01-10 | 260 up,4 down | |
I wish he went to my church.............. |