Is Hunter Hayes gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Hunter Hayes.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Hunter Hayes is heterosexual / straight

Do you like Hunter Hayes?

Hunter Hayes gaydar

According to 2526 visitors Hunter Hayes is 56% gay.
However, the average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Hunter Hayes is quite straight in comparison to other celebrities on this website.

Please vote! How gay is Hunter Hayes?

not gay -
- gay


  RaineLovesBVB <3 @ 2012-06-19 30 up,75 down
Hunter Hayes is NOT gay!!! He's too hot to be! :3 Love you Hunter!!!!!!
  hunterhayes lover @ 2012-08-02 82 up,27 down
all the hot ones tend to be gay honey
  Hunters boy @ 2012-08-04 26 up,14 down
Too bad you gurls will never know!!
  sam @ 2012-09-17 50 up,11 down
just because somone that is hot dont mean they cant be gay! no such thing as too hot to be gay!
  jrod @ 2012-09-26 21 up,8 down
he sing very good and do not make any deference to me what ever he does in his private life..
God bless you hayes..
  Courtney @ 2012-11-02 40 up,6 down
Well that is some great logic. Of course he can't be gay because he is an attractive guy. We all know gay men are horrible looking little trolls.

Whatever. I know way more hot gay guys than hot straight guys.
  Barbara @ 2012-11-08 28 up,17 down
I have really good gaydar! He is gay. #gayislove
  shanikqua @ 2012-11-14 26 up,18 down
he is tottaly gay bitches. :D
  Tyler @ 2013-01-23 21 up,8 down
Hunter hayes IS GAY As a gay man i have a sixth sense and the gaydar is a going off big big time. Hunter is all for the men sorry ladies you cannot win this war. A gay man just doent turn straight cause you want him to. Hunter bats for the male team if you know what i am saying. As for wether is a "christian" or not faith and relgion have nothing to say about one sexual orenetation. You are either born gay straight or bi. You cannot choose your sexual orientation any more than you can choose what hair or eye colour you were born with. Just look at how he dances the songs he sings he could be singing them to a girlfriend or BOYFRIEND as is the case here. Just because he is gay does not mean he cant make it in the biz or he cant be popular or be great at whatever he wants in life or his career just look at elton john, boy george, lance bass they are all gay and have had great careers and hunter can make it if he wants too. I love hunter and if he were to walk up to me i would date him in a heartbeat no ??? asked. Whats not to love from hot hunter hayes

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