Is James Blunt gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of James Blunt.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

James Blunt is heterosexual / straight

Why people think James Blunt is not gay
James Blunt dated Natasha Archdale (from Jan 2009-Oct 2009)
James Blunt was rumored to be with Paris Hilton (from Apr 2007-Apr 2007)
James Blunt dated Petra Nemcova (from Jan 2006-March 2007)
James Blunt dated Petra Nemcova (from March 2006-Feb 2007)

Do you like James Blunt?

James Blunt gaydar

According to 1636 visitors James Blunt is 71% gay.
The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means James Blunt has been voted highly gay.

Please vote! How gay is James Blunt?

not gay -
- gay


  Horst werner @ 2012-01-05 53 up,11 down
Absolutly James Blunt is gay as he comes across so gay.
You could not find anyone more camp.!!!!! He is streaks ahead of the likes of Julian Cleary. Ladies James Blunt is gay as. Please do us all a foavour James and come out of the closset. Learn how to sing not whine.!!!!!!!!!
  Kylie Collier @ 2012-01-06 62 up,11 down
I am a girl and I know James Blunt is 100 % gay. Ever girl knows he is a poof. He is very gay. There is nothing wrong of being gay. He just should come out of the closet, be loud and proud.
People think less of you when you hide the fact your gay.!!
  Shelly Gooch @ 2012-04-01 63 up,11 down
Sorry guys James is gay very gay he has no interest in women. I am a beutiful girl 26 years old a part time model ie bikini, short dresses, very short mini skirts and long dresses. I tried to chat up James at a function in London so did a few other models. He turned me down and others. He spent more time staring at the men there and talking to them.
  Kick ass babe @ 2012-05-12 44 up,2 down
Definatley gay.!!!! His music is alright i guess but he is a poof for sure 100% guartateed. Could not get any more queer. Nothing wrong with gays, but he needs to come out loud and proud.
  Andre @ 2012-09-25 50 up,4 down
I think he's an undercover gay dude. Please. come out from the closet. Let's live together....... \o/
  Screwuall @ 2012-11-18 35 up,2 down
The fact that almost all of these posts contain spelling and grammar errors speaks to the author's intelligence. James Blunt's music is thoughtful and well instrumented. He has a talent that is lacking in most other artist's music now-a-days. His voice is not a reflection of his sexuality, but I applaud the special kind of person it takes to arrive at that conclusion. And to John Carey, you sound like a tool.
  Isabella @ 2013-01-21 67 up,3 down
James is 100% gay i am sure of it. But that should not reflect on who he is as a person. Some people think when he sings he sounds like a whining plain engine, but I think that is absurd. He music is ok and he has come up with some fantastic lyrics for his music.

Most people would not have a clue how to sing so I think they should leave the comments to themselves and i bet, you they haven't done as well as James and made a fantastic living as he has.

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