Was Adolf Hitler gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Adolf Hitler.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Adolf Hitler was heterosexual / straight

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Adolf Hitler gaydar

According to 4130 visitors Adolf Hitler is 50% gay.
However, the average gay-rating on gay-or-straight.com is 69%, which means Adolf Hitler is quite straight in comparison to other celebrities on this website.

Please vote! How gay is Adolf Hitler?

not gay -
- gay


  @ 2012-01-29 143 up,148 down
Adolf was many things, but gay wasn't one of them.
  Jim @ 2012-06-30 112 up,137 down
Absolutely not gay and he didn't care less who among his cadre was, provided they towed the party line. Himmler was the closet case, and the more dangerous of the two.
  Uncle Adolf @ 2012-08-13 150 up,111 down
I Repressed my sexuality but was always very gay... never happy. I could not be with either a women or man intimately so I married Germany instead and focused on destroying everyone who could be happy. Leiber Adolf ...
  orangeypoo @ 2013-02-04 144 up,108 down
it would have been freaking hilarious if he was gay

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