Is Ellen DeGeneres gay or straight?
Here you find the sexual orientation of Ellen DeGeneres.Do you disagree? Please Inform us.
Ellen DeGeneres is lesbian
Why people think Ellen DeGeneres is gay
Ellen DeGeneres is married to Portia de Rossi (from Aug 2008-present)
Ellen DeGeneres dated Portia de Rossi (from Jan 2004-Nov 2008)
Ellen DeGeneres dated Alexandra Hedison (from Jan 2001-Jan 2004)
Ellen DeGeneres dated Anne Heche (from Feb 1997-Jan 2000)
Do you like Ellen DeGeneres?
Ellen DeGeneres gaydar
According to 3810 visitors Ellen DeGeneres is 83% gay.The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Ellen DeGeneres has been voted highly gay.
Please vote! How gay is Ellen DeGeneres?
not gay - - gay
not gay - - gay
@ 2012-01-28 | 37 up,8 down | |
Is there any question? |
@ 2012-02-21 | 25 up,5 down | |
Duh? |
@ 2012-03-10 | 23 up,7 down | |
Does a bear crap in the woods? |
@ 2012-03-19 | 82 up,4 down | |
How is this not at 100%? |
Olivia @ 2012-04-10 | 62 up,5 down | |
@ MAN, she's not manly. She may have short hair and dress a bit masculine, but she's really not manly at all. |
420yusyus @ 2012-05-10 | 37 up,15 down | |
I fuckin love Ellen ! |
Janet @ 2012-05-14 | 22 up,8 down | |
Ellen is da |
MIKE @ 2012-07-26 | 44 up,4 down | |
She came out. Why isn't this scale at 100%? |
sophia @ 2012-11-11 | 27 up,4 down | |
she is obviosly gay |
TJ @ 2012-11-23 | 48 up,5 down | |
So there is a 13% doubt that this woman who has been in relationships with women for the past 20 years is gay? Are people just stupid or is this poll just stupid? |
@ 2012-12-20 | 33 up,4 down | |
How in the world is someone who claims to be gay voted not much higher than people on this website who are definitely NOT gay? Come on people! |