Is Taylor Lautner gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Taylor Lautner.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Taylor Lautner is heterosexual / straight

Why people think Taylor Lautner is not gay
Taylor Lautner is rumored to be with Lily Collins (from Nov 2010-present)
Taylor Lautner dated Taylor Swift (from Oct 2009-Dec 2009)
Taylor Lautner dated Selena Gomez (from Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
Taylor Lautner dated Sarah Hicks (from Jan 2006-Jan 2007)
Taylor Lautner dated Sara Hicks (from Jan 2006-Jan 2007)

Do you like Taylor Lautner?

Taylor Lautner gaydar

According to 2562 visitors Taylor Lautner is 77% gay.
The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Taylor Lautner has been voted highly gay.

Please vote! How gay is Taylor Lautner?

not gay -
- gay


  spike @ 2011-11-04 44 up,9 down
totally made out with robert pattinson on live television
  Luke is right @ 2012-01-28 47 up,11 down
Yup he's gayer than Perez Hilton and Elton John combined
  Lovehate @ 2012-01-31 38 up,11 down
He's totally gay :|
  Andy @ 2012-02-21 36 up,8 down
Totally gay bones.

And that's a good thing ;D
  Me @ 2012-02-24 33 up,10 down
I don't care what he is I'm in love with those abs!
  ohhh @ 2012-02-29 35 up,5 down
Every interview says "Screaming Queen." And he likes hanging out with Le Gays. This is not definitive proof, mind you, but it has convinced me for now.
  ohhh @ 2012-02-29 35 up,11 down
Plus he "dated" Taylor Swift: The Biggest Beard of Hollywood. Fishy.
  @ 2012-03-03 23 up,15 down
He just came out recently in a few magazines.
  Calvn @ 2012-04-06 32 up,8 down
Hes gay, just look at how he acts. Plus he has been seen at gay clubs.
  niallism @ 2012-07-21 25 up,10 down
yep, 90% sure he's gay, he may have been straight at one point but definitely turned gay somewhere in the past
  @ 2012-10-04 23 up,5 down
Hes gay because he made out with Robert pattinson on live TV
  Warefox @ 2012-11-20 39 up,4 down
He "came out" fictitiously on a radio program. He went on and on about how he is in a gay relationship with a male member (I think Jasper) of the Twilight cast. The radio host was taken aback and said, "I hope you are kidding". Taylor Lautner was very serious but was was being sarcastic thinking it would be taken as a joke. He was tired of the gay rumors and thought it would throw people off his gay rumors by fictitiously fueling them. The STRANGE PART is that Robert Pattinson not long after tweeted that he was proud of his co star for coming out. Now, why would he do that if he *knew* Lautner was straight, unless he was in on the joke. Due to the timing, is is highly unlikely Pattinson was in on the joke. So what does that mean? It points strongly to the fact that Lautner is very likely gay. Personally, I never gave it much thought. However, I knew this about the "gay tweet". When I watched the first Twilight again, my friend and I noticed Lautner had a strong "homosexual accent". Gay guys can especially hear in other gay guy's speech. My gay friend and I both noticed how strong it was but it was less and less apparent in later movies. Maybe some one was giving him coaching on how to change his "gay accent". ...Who knows if he is really gay. We will just have to wait and see in the future.
  andy @ 2013-01-01 33 up,7 down
He is so gay.The trouble with you girls is that your deluded. Where is his girlfriend everybody has one in LA

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