Is Logan Lerman gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Logan Lerman.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Logan Lerman is heterosexual / straight

Do you like Logan Lerman?

Logan Lerman gaydar

According to 2182 visitors Logan Lerman is 71% gay.
The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Logan Lerman has been voted highly gay.

Please vote! How gay is Logan Lerman?

not gay -
- gay


  alex g @ 2012-05-03 591 up,24 down
he is so gay
  Julie H. @ 2012-05-21 29 up,586 down
He not gay!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((
  maddy @ 2012-06-23 592 up,14 down
he is bi !!! and don't try and change my mind
  niallism @ 2012-07-21 590 up,11 down
he may try his hardest for people not to find out but im pretty sure he is bi, possibly gay, and im not saying this because i hat him, i LOVE him, he is extremely hot :)
  lololo @ 2012-07-23 588 up,4 down
GODS! he's a demi god
  babak @ 2012-09-26 586 up,9 down
I am gay and I LOVE LOGAN LERMAN SO MUCH!!! I wish he allways be healthy and happy in his life whether he is gay or not, I love him.
  Jamie @ 2012-11-27 588 up,20 down
let's admit it. HE IS GAY!
  Jonathan @ 2012-12-26 586 up,5 down
Regardless of whether Logan is gay or not, he's been blessed as one incredibly handsome young man.
  Vicky @ 2012-12-28 596 up,11 down
Logan's a discreet gay. The letters GAY are written all over his forehead but he has the capacity to cover it up. I'm a 100% sure.
  YES @ 2013-01-09 601 up,7 down
he is most likely to be bi

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