Is Chuck Norris gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Chuck Norris.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Chuck Norris is heterosexual / straight

Why people think Chuck Norris is not gay
On November 18, 2008, Norris became one of the first members of show business to express support for the California Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage

Do you like Chuck Norris?

Chuck Norris gaydar

According to 17362 visitors Chuck Norris is 29% gay.
However, the average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Chuck Norris is very straight in comparison to other celebrities on this website.

Please vote! How gay is Chuck Norris?

not gay -
- gay


  Nicole @ 2011-12-12 166 up,44 down
  ChuckN @ 2012-04-06 179 up,141 down
Chuck Norris isn't gay...but if he were, "Gay" would be a synonym for Total Bad Ass.
  Truthfullness @ 2012-05-12 62 up,273 down
Chuck Norris is a legend and is definalty noy Gay. He is a Black belt martial artist, as well as a dam good actor. Martial arts like karate, jujitsu, judo, wing chung and Brazillian jujitsu are cooll.

I am black belt in 4 different martial arts 4-6 dan. So leave Chuck alone or i will hunt you down like in the movie born identity. You will never see me comming. A Chuck fan for ever and ever Chuck is a cool actor
  Abbs @ 2012-05-21 82 up,47 down
OMG...LMAO. Seriously, I'm surprised it doesn't say "-25%" or something....LOL!! God, it'd be the funniest thing ever if he WAS gay...
  Blendo @ 2012-06-11 123 up,40 down
Chuck Norris is neither gay nor straight while simultaneously being both gay and straight. His appeal is universal.
  Norm @ 2012-07-07 69 up,76 down
how he could be gay, he's homophobe.........
  K @ 2012-07-11 117 up,68 down
Of Course he's gay he so anti gay that he's really just hiding in the closet
  Marcus @ 2012-08-10 147 up,26 down
chuck norris isnt gay, straight or bi. he can breed with himself. he doesnt need to have a gender preference cause he just needs to look at someone in a certain way and they become impregnated.
  jay @ 2012-09-19 47 up,19 down
The only thing that was gay was how he tried to look super manly doing stunts and wearing those boots on Walker Texas Ranger. Just saying
  Schifty @ 2012-10-07 58 up,56 down
Not gay. Talentless actor, sure. Martial arts legend -- debatable; he's been in very few actual fights; in the ring, he only fought for points. Shill for the lunatic Christian right wing -- definitely. Not gay.
  @ 2012-10-31 48 up,31 down
My comment is not intended to be in any way, shape or form homophobic. That said, Chuck Norris's heterosexuality should pull so far to the left that it breaks the dial.
  Gott @ 2012-11-03 44 up,81 down
Chuck norris cant be gay because he is chuck norris
and have no mistakes
  fs @ 2012-11-14 79 up,58 down
He is gay and trying to overcompensate.
  That person @ 2012-12-08 60 up,20 down
Im too afraid to say he's gay.
  @ 2012-12-09 32 up,12 down
Chuck Norris is the negative control of this test
  The Rock Snob @ 2012-12-10 39 up,17 down
Chuck Norris single-handedly TURNED me gay with that bathroom scene in "Good Guys Wear Black" from 1977. He brought everything into focus, so THANKS, Chuck.
  Hotspot @ 2012-12-13 40 up,37 down
Chuck Norris is a homophobe, a very religious one that dislikes LGBT people strongly... I can't say I am a fan of him... he is definitely not gay.

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