Is Ryan Seacrest gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Ryan Seacrest.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Ryan Seacrest is homosexual / gay

Why people think Ryan Seacrest is gay
Ryan Seacrest is dating Julianne Hough (from June 2010-present)
Ryan Seacrest was rumored to be with Jasmine Waltz (from Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
Ryan Seacrest was rumored to be with Katrina Darrell (from Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
Ryan Seacrest dated Sophie Monk (from Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
Ryan Seacrest had a fling with Teri Hatcher (from March 2006-March 2006)
Ryan Seacrest was rumored to be with Paulina Rubio (from Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
Ryan Seacrest dated Shana Wall (from Jan 2003-Jan 2005)
Ryan Seacrest dated Erica Lancellotti (from Jan 2002-Oct 2003)

Do you like Ryan Seacrest?

Ryan Seacrest gaydar

According to 2280 visitors Ryan Seacrest is 80% gay.
The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Ryan Seacrest has been voted highly gay.

Please vote! How gay is Ryan Seacrest?

not gay -
- gay


  @ 2012-01-28 84 up,4 down
Voting 100% here is only stating the obvious.
  JJ @ 2012-02-17 100 up,6 down
He's SOOO gay, I'd bet a shiny dime he's a bottom!
  johnny pierce @ 2012-05-16 73 up,5 down
anybody who watchs american idle can tell!!!
  evan @ 2013-01-26 62 up,3 down
hey, andre- gay isn't an insult!

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