Is Hayley Kiyoko gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Hayley Kiyoko.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Hayley Kiyoko is heterosexual / straight

Do you like Hayley Kiyoko?

Hayley Kiyoko gaydar

According to 2409 visitors Hayley Kiyoko is 74% gay.
The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Hayley Kiyoko has been voted highly gay.

Please vote! How gay is Hayley Kiyoko?

not gay -
- gay


  QDKYoko @ 2012-01-01 30 up,46 down
She's bi. Trust me, Im her cousin - I should Know.
  ki @ 2012-01-11 26 up,3 down
She's gorgeous, i think alot of lesbians hope she's gay. I know i do. So talented and beautiful. She gives off that vibe. =]

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