Is Chace Crawford gay or straight?
Here you find the sexual orientation of Chace Crawford.Do you disagree? Please Inform us.
Chace Crawford is heterosexual / straight
Why people think Chace Crawford is not gay
Chace Crawford is rumored to be with Erin Andrews (from empty 0000-present)
Chace Crawford was rumored to be with Emma Roberts (from Feb 2011-March 2011)
Chace Crawford was rumored to be with Elizabeth Minett (from June 2010-June 2010)
Chace Crawford dated Bar Refaeli (from July 2009-Dec 2009)
Chace Crawford had a fling with Ashley Greene (from Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
Chace Crawford dated Carrie Underwood (from Aug 2007-March 2008)
Chace Crawford had a fling with Shauna Sand (from Jan 2003-Jan 2003)
Do you like Chace Crawford?
Chace Crawford gaydar
According to 1550 visitors Chace Crawford is 46% gay.However, the average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Chace Crawford is very straight in comparison to other celebrities on this website.
Please vote! How gay is Chace Crawford?
not gay - - gay
not gay - - gay