Is Victoria Justice gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Victoria Justice.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Victoria Justice is heterosexual / straight

Why people think Victoria Justice is not gay
Victoria Justice was rumored to be with Nicholas Hoult (from May 2010-Nov 2010)

Do you like Victoria Justice?

Victoria Justice gaydar

According to 1065 visitors Victoria Justice is 62% gay.
However, the average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Victoria Justice is quite straight in comparison to other celebrities on this website.

Please vote! How gay is Victoria Justice?

not gay -
- gay


  Jeremy martin @ 2012-04-16 36 up,3 down
Victoria You are the most beautiful girl ever
  Jeremy martin @ 2012-04-16 30 up,7 down
Victoria would You ever date a fan like me
  @ 2012-07-09 37 up,4 down
victoria is really sexy
  @ 2012-09-07 30 up,3 down
since when rumors of relationships with people of the opposite gender are a guarantee that a person is not gay? not ignoring her last connections to guys but, victoria is, at least, bisexual.
  Laura @ 2012-10-03 25 up,14 down
Would be hot if she were bi.
  gfbg @ 2012-11-17 26 up,8 down
She's beyond hot and needs to be bisexual.
  Nelly @ 2012-11-26 32 up,2 down
She is the most gorgeous woman that has ever been on this earth.
  Mara @ 2012-12-01 35 up,4 down
I'd like to see her play a gay role sometime.
  jgjfhh @ 2012-12-04 33 up,2 down
Jori subtext on Victorious is real, and the actors play into it.
  Mary @ 2013-01-29 24 up,3 down
It would be my dream come true if Victoria were into girls.
  Sora @ 2013-01-31 32 up,5 down
Jori 4ever! Victoria and Liz would be so hot together.

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