Is Jared Leto gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Jared Leto.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Jared Leto is heterosexual / straight

Why people think Jared Leto is not gay
Jared Leto was rumored to be with Isabel Lucas (from March 2009-March 2009)
Jared Leto had a fling with Lauren Hastings (from Jan 2008-Aug 2008)
Jared Leto had a fling with Paris Hilton (from Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
Jared Leto was rumored to be with Lindsay Lohan (from Nov 2005-Dec 2005)
Jared Leto had a fling with Scarlett Johansson (from Jan 2004-Jan 2005)
Jared Leto dated Cameron Diaz (from Jan 1999-March 2003)
Jared Leto was rumored to be with Britney Spears (from Jan 2003-Jan 2003)

Do you like Jared Leto?

Jared Leto gaydar

According to 1072 visitors Jared Leto is 65% gay.
However, the average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Jared Leto is quite straight in comparison to other celebrities on this website.

Please vote! How gay is Jared Leto?

not gay -
- gay


  Amanda @ 2012-09-20 25 up,4 down
Jared Leto has claimed that he is gay during an interview with an America Online reporter. People have since fought claiming that he was "just kidding."

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